Chinchilla and Shaded Silver Differences
Silver kittens are born with dark coats that can resemble a tabby pattern. It's good to be aware that their coloring will change as they mature. Over time their coat will lighten. The final coloring of their fur will determine what their coloring is.
Our "Silvers" are either shaded silvers or chinchilla silvers.
The difference between a shaded silver and a chinchilla silver is that a chinchilla silver is predominately white when they are grown and will have very light silver tips, while a shaded silver has more shading on the tips on their fur.
The older kittens you see on my website that have black eye liner and look like white kittens are actually chinchilla silvers. They have the dark eye liner around their eyes and a pink nose with dark liner and black lips and paw pads. Chinchilla silvers have green eyes, sometimes with a bit of lighter green or yellow mixed in.
The shaded silvers have the same eye liner, but usually their nose color is not as pink and their fur will have darker tips. Their eye color will also be more of a green/hazel color.
There is not a color called "chinchilla silver shaded". A kitten is either shaded silver or chinchilla silver.
Our chinchilla silvers have all had green eyes. Usually the shaded silvers have green/hazel colored eyes. Our whites have had odd eyes - one blue and one copper eye, like their momma Diamond. She could potentially give us a white with both blue eyes, but she has not yet.
We cannot guarantee final eye color as all kittens are born with blue/grey eyes.
See some of our newborn silver Persians below: